Gloria Polo: Standing Before God, The Judgment

Gloria Polo: Standing Before God, The Judgment

 There are very few things in life that can impact a person's life so greatly as to cause a radical conversion to God and this book of Gloria Polo's testimony is one of them.

Price: $15.00 


This testimony of Gloria Polo does not contain anything more, or less, than that which one finds in the Sacred Scriptures. Given the fact that many do not succeed in seeing the truth of after death, God caused someone to experience and to live this “more”, of which the Bible speaks. This someone is Gloria Polo, who returned to this life and became a light of a reality.

I hope that this testimony of Gloria Polo will help you in your search for the Truth and a new life.

This book will show you a reality that you might ignore, even though you might know about it, at least in part.



"I was so moved after reading your mystical experience. I am a Catholic too, though I have been feeling something lost or lacking in my faith. I can now wake up in a sense thanks to your story. May our Lord Jesus Christ always bless you."
- Rachel S.

"Unbelievable testimony, very impressing; it changed my life."
- Jesse R.

"I belive that these kind of real stories are very helpful for many people. It will help them to open their eyes and turn their back from their dark ways! Back in the day, I was a very lost young man and for 14 long years I did not practice confession. I was far away from God, Church etc. and was full of anger and shame for myself. I was sad because of my behavior and way of living! However, during these years I had a feeling that my good Lord was with me, behind my back and he still believed in me and my change into a better person; even when I had lost that hope of changing myself. Do you know what happened? Our Lord gave me his wonderful hand and He really helped me to change for the better! He reminded me that he is my greatest friend who never lets me down! So, I went to confession to apologize for my sins but I was very scared. At the last moment, I had a feeling that someone or something was trying relentlessly to push me away from the church and force me to change my mind! But that was not an option, I decided to confess and no one or anything could tell me otherwise. After the confession I felt relieved and cleansed. I don't know how to express what I felt at that moment."
- Luis V.

"First of all, I'd like to say thank you to my friend who sent me this testimony. It helped me to believe again and to see how wonderful God works on people's hearts. While listening to this blessed story, I was crying and praying; it's important to pray, to thank God and ask him for his love. Thank you Gloria! God bless you and all of the people who will be listening this testimony."
- Christine S.